Travel Insurance
Rest assured, while travelling!
Single Trip & Multi-trip Plans
Single trip travel plans cover you from one continuous trip starting on the date you leave your province of residence to the date you return. A single trip travel plan can include multiple destinations as long as you are travelling on one continuous trip.
Multi-trip travel plans provide coverage for an unlimited number of trips taken within one year, commencing on the effective date of the policy. Each trip taken outside of Canada can be up to the maximum number of days you selected when you purchased your Multi-Trip Plan.
This plan also provides coverage for an unlimited number of days of travel within Canada but outside of your province of residence.

Visitors to Canada Insurance
Protect yourself against the emergency medical costs of unexpected accident or sickness while in Canada. One day in hospital can cost as much as $5,000!
For visitors, landed immigrants, returning Canadians and work/student visas.
International Travel Insurance
International Travel Insurance is for Canadian residents with provincial healthcare travelling outside of their province of residence or outside of Canada.
Protect Yourself from Trip Cancellation!
Taking a trip is all about planning and preparation – but too often, plans can unexpectedly change. The best way to protect your trip is to purchase insurance.
Trip Cancellation
If you need to cancel your trip due to unforeseen circumstances such as illness, injury, or a family emergency, your insurance company can provide coverage. This means you may be reimbursed for non-refundable expenses like flights, accommodations, and tour bookings, depending on the terms of your policy.
Trip Interruption
In the event that your trip is interrupted due to reasons covered by your insurance policy, such as a medical emergency or a natural disaster, the insurance company can help cover additional expenses incurred as a result of returning home early or altering your travel plans.
Trip Delay
If you experience a significant delay in your trip due to reasons such as severe weather, airline strikes, or mechanical issues, your insurance policy may offer coverage for additional expenses incurred during the delay, such as meals and accommodations.
Lost/ Damaged/ Stolen Luggage
If your luggage is lost, damaged, or stolen during your trip, your insurance policy can provide coverage for the value of the items lost or damaged, up to the limit specified in your policy. This coverage can help alleviate the financial burden of replacing essential items or repairing damaged belongings.