Critical Illness Protector

While most of us think , ” It will never happen to me , ” these conditions can touch anyone , anywhere , at anytime – often without warning . Thanks to modern medicine , more people are surviving these events than ever before . But you’re likely to lose income during treatment and recovery , and you and your family will need help paying out – of – pocket medical expenses , plus everyday costs . That’s why a critical illness insurance plan can make a difference .
Here are the facts

  • CANCER ( 1 )
    • Nearly one in two Canadians is expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime
    • An estimated 229,100 new cases of cancer will occur this year in Canada ( 110,900 women and 118,200 men will be diagnosed ) .
  • HEART ATTACK ( 2 )
    • There are an estimated 70,000 heart attacks each year in Canada . That’s one heart attack every seven minutes .
  • STROKE ( 2 )
    • There are over 50,000 strokes in Canada each year . That’s one stroke every 10 minutes .
  • HEAD INJURY ( 3 )
    • An estimated one million cases of head injuries are seen yearly in North American emergency departments .
Source :
  1. Statistics from Canadian Cancer Society 2021 .
  2. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada .
  3. National hospital ambulatory medical care survey : emergency department summary .

What’s Covered
  1. Cancer only coverage – 3 conditions
  2. Critical Illness (other than cancer) coverage – 18 conditions
  3. Cancer and other Critical Illness coverage – 21 conditions
  • The Return of Premium Upon Death Benefit is a standard feature.
  • Teladoc Medical Experts service is included with your policy.

Barack Ashtari Has You Covered

Industry Pioneers
Framing industry standards by using business as a force for good.
Transparency & Integrity
Framing your relationship with Insurance through complete commission transparency.
White-Glove Service
Framing client-centric service with customer-first relationship management.
Are You Potected?
Income Guard helps protect one of your greatest assets — your ability to earn an income.
No matter what you do for a living, monthly bills and daily living expenses can pile up fast when you’re sick or injured and can’t work.
Accidents and illnesses are a fact of life and can happen to anyone at any time.
And the likelihood of becoming sick or injured only ncreases as we get older.

1 in 3 people, on average, will be disabled for 90 days or longer before age 65.1
The average length of a disability that lasts over 90 days is nearly 3 years.1